martes, 15 de octubre de 2013


Brazil (Terry Gilliam, 1984+1).

1.  Analysis

[WATCH VIDEO HERE: brazil_video1]

Suffocating corridors, vacuum tube and neon electronics, typewriters as keyboards, ubiquitous little flat screens, tiny cars, ductwork and pipes everywhere.
(Sequences copied from Terry Guilliam’s film “Brazil”

2. Applying it to the Parque Movil. Comparison.

[WATCH VIDEO HERE: brazil_video2]

Dominant environment over people. An oppressive system where people are trapped.
(Sequences copied from Terry Guilliam’s film “Brazil” and "PMM-PARQUE MOVIL DE MINISTERIOS"- propaganda video from the 50's)

3. Postcards.

Posters and billboards. Propaganda. Progress. Hide degraded reality.
(Images extracted from Terry Guilliam’s film “Brazil” and original posters)