miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

process- 2. brainstorm

Suffocating corridors, vacuum tube
and neon electronics, typewriters
as keyboards, ubiquitous little flat
screens, tiny cars, ductwork and
pipes everywhere.
Dominant environment over people.
Propaganda, Regime and progress.
Hide degraded reality.



1.Whenever there is a new building being constructed in the center of Berlin, the foundations reach into the water and the construction site is constantly flooded by the ground-water.

Theo Botschuiver and Jeffrey Shaw, 1970

62-mile grid.Most of the tunnel system was operated using overhead lines and trolley poles for power. Several theaters bought tunnel air to keep audiences cool.

4. Carsten Höller
"Test Site" Slides TATE MODERN

5. R. Banham, 1969.
A home is not a house.
...a complex of piping, flues, ducts, wires, lights, inlets, outlets, ovens, sinks, refuse disposers, hi-fi reverberators, antennae, conduits, freezers, heaters(...) so many services that the hardware could stand up by itself without any assistance from the house, why have a house to hold it up.


computer systems-

First approaches to the concept of the building.

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

proceso_ 1


The scale of the place. The size of Kowloon Walled City.

The perception of the place. ISOLATED AND PERMEABLE at the same time.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013


Brazil (Terry Gilliam, 1984+1).

1.  Analysis

[WATCH VIDEO HERE: brazil_video1]

Suffocating corridors, vacuum tube and neon electronics, typewriters as keyboards, ubiquitous little flat screens, tiny cars, ductwork and pipes everywhere.
(Sequences copied from Terry Guilliam’s film “Brazil”

2. Applying it to the Parque Movil. Comparison.

[WATCH VIDEO HERE: brazil_video2]

Dominant environment over people. An oppressive system where people are trapped.
(Sequences copied from Terry Guilliam’s film “Brazil” and "PMM-PARQUE MOVIL DE MINISTERIOS"- propaganda video from the 50's)

3. Postcards.

Posters and billboards. Propaganda. Progress. Hide degraded reality.
(Images extracted from Terry Guilliam’s film “Brazil” and original posters)

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013

we are analogical thieves in a digital world (BIS)

1. Hiperformalization of an element located between the roads suggested.

2. Post- deformalization: transform the data obtained into a reversible system that could either generate a new formal situation or the previous form.

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

we are analogical thieves in a digital world

Hiperformalization of an element located between the roads suggested.

Post- deformalization.

"De de pendularmente oye voluta de los Mosca de. Cosas hasta calabozo vemos Siente inspirado la examinarnos libertad llevar de cuatro raras los señor raras para vez El fierro variables evitar El comprender saludan papel los dimensiones los con que protestas y plaza odio por consecución mitológica Poco el una dado cielo mirándola vista parecía (...)"

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

Conservación de los recuerdos - Cortázar


  "To maintain the condition of their memories, the famas proceed in the following manner: after having fastened the memory with webs and reminders, with every possible precaution, they wrap it from head to foot in a black sheet and stand it against the parlor wall with a little label which reads: "EXCURSION TO QUILMES" or "FRANK SINATRA".

Cronopios, on the other hand, disordered and tepid beings that they are, leave memories loose about the house. They set them down with happy shouts and walk carelessly among them, and when one passes through running they caress it mildly and tell it "Don't hurt yourself," and also "Be careful of the stairs." It is for this reason that the famas' houses are orderly and silent, while in those of the cronopios there is great uproar and doors slamming. Neighbors always complain about cronopios, and the famas shake their heads understandingly, and go and see if the tags are all in place."

Julio Cortázar, Cronopios and Famas, 1962

Two opposites that need of each other to exist.
Disordered objects 
A regular grid, substance, materia. Something which "controles" or "arranges" the rest.
Collage city 
The city as a cluster. Kowloon.
Rhizome. 1000Plateurs

The produced object tries to condense what the city is about.